Monday, October 20, 2008

Home again, home again!

We arrived here in Sequim last night. It is a comment on the attraction of this area that we consider it to be among the best destinations of the trip! We enjoyed seeing the fall colors as we traveled the road home, and the first sight of the house warmed our hearts. Then they were cooled again when we went inside. So I reset the heat to go on, turned on the water and all that, and we took a quick walk around the place. Pictures are to come.

Future posts on the blog will have to include a couple of slide shows with our best photos, but first we will spend a couple of days just absorbing the luxury that is our life here.

Many people have received an email notice whenever we post, thanks for your interest in keeping up with our travels. Now that we are back in a USA mode, I am going to overhaul that list. Let me know if you want you name left on the notification email by just replying to it.

I do this because you may not like getting emails added to your inbox, and because you may have changed your mind about reading Exechobo with such frequency. Of course you can come by to visit anytime...

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