Friday, May 28, 2010

Jardin du Maison

Ca allors!  Quelle magnifique!  Every week the flower gardens change as another flower comes online.  Or "blooms", as we say.  There is a pleasant flower aroma in the area as you walk around.  This photo is version 3.0, and will be my BB "home" screen.

The jardin du potage is going along too, with radishes, carrots, lettuce and turnips ready to thin, and radishes to eat! Turnips are almost ready to harvest greens, as is lettuce, but the mache is a disappointment.  We are letting the leeks go to seed so we can use them later in the year.  The asparagus season is over, and next year will reward our patience, as these stalks feed the roots.  Deer have crashed the fence, but damage seems limited to strawberries and beans, which other than that are looking healthy.  Must start more beets and lettuce, weed, thin.  Peas, onions, garlic and potatoes all are doing very well too.  

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