Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sequim Sandwich Shop Review

Abandoned gas stations are everywhere. When leaking tanks make land recovery un-economic they simply sit- better to pay property tax year after than millions of dollars in remediation. At the center of downtown Sequim is one of them.

In what used to be the little shack where the pump jockey sat an entrepeneur has located a new sandwich shop. This little place shows what can be done if you have vision. Here is the recipe: get a second hand refrigerated sandwich table, a little metal patio furniture at Walmart, a few grills and smokers here and there.  Add some basic tasty sandwich recipes to a selection of grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and you are in business- once you negotiate a good lease and business license. 

Oh, don't forget a name and graphic design package- or not. Our place is called the Sequim Sandwich Shop. Nice touch NOT being a shoppe! And the white individual stick on letters suggest economy and common sense. A good start. 

Our first trial was of a sandwich like to make at home- turkey, cranberry, cream cheese, lettuce. The Sandwich Shop uses nice Romaine, a nice cranberry sauce, and their own alderwood smoked turkey.  Good balace but not a great sandwich. The turkey should be better, the cream cheese lighter and more flavored. Disapointing sandwich. 

I will go back to give the Sequim Sandwich Shop another try. I want this startup to succeed!

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